SOLID inheritance

The Liskov Substitution Principle

Created by Jeroen De Dauw for Wikimedia Deutschland
Licensed CC BY-SA 3.0

Original definition

If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behaviour of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2 then S is a subtype of T.


Users expecting a Type can be given a Subtype,
and then use it as a Type without blowing up

All methods need to be there

interface Logger {
    public function log( $stuff );
    public function notice( $stuff );
    public function warning( $stuff );

class FooBarLogger implements Logger {
    public function log( $stuff ) {}
    public function notice( $stuff ) {}
    // Who needs warnings anyway?

function doStuff( Logger $logger ) {
    $logger->warning( 'Stuff is being done. Slack is decreasing' );

doStuff( new FooBarLogger() ); // boom

Contract goes beyond type

interface Logger {
    public function log( $stuff );
    public function notice( $stuff );
    public function warning( $stuff );

class TwitterLogger implements Logger {
    public function log( $stuff ) {
        if ( strlen( $stuff ) > 140 ) { throw new NotLspException(); }
    // ...
  • Input requirements need to be at least as general
  • Output requirements need to be at least as strict


Or not?

The classic example

class Rectangle {
	private $width;
	private $height;
	private $topLeftCorner;

	public function getWidth();
	public function getHeight();

	public function setWidth( $width );
	public function setHeight( $height );

	public function getArea();

Adding Square

What is the relationship?

Square is a rectangle

=> inheritance!


class Rectangle {
	private $width;
	private $height;
	private $topLeftCorner;

	public function getWidth();
	public function getHeight();

	public function setWidth( $width );
	public function setHeight( $height );

	public function getArea();

class Square extends Rectangle {}

Too many fields - whatever, enough memory anyway!

But what about setHeight and setWidth?
Width and height need to be the same

Fixing the problem

class Square extends Rectangle {
    public function setWidth( $width ) {
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $width;

    public function setHeight( $height ) {
        $this->width = $height;
        $this->height = $height;

Still somewhat odd

Though behaves like a square

function f( Rectangle $rectangle ) {
    $rectangle->setWidth( 10 );
    $rectangle->setHeight( 5 );

    assert( $rectangle->getArea() === 50 );

f( new Square() ); // Boom

Have fun debugging!

Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. --John Woods

How to fix this mess?

Fixing the fix new problem

function f( Rectangle $r ) {
    if ( $r instanceof Square ) {
        // ...
    else { // Assume we got a Rectangle
        // ...

OCP violation!

f now dependent on Square

Shotgun Surgery

What are boundaries?

Third try is a charm!

Let Rectangle extend Square

class Square {
    private $side;

class Rectangle extends Square {
    private $otherSide;

$square->setSide( 5 );

assert( $square->getArea() === 25 ); // boom if $square instanceof Rectangle

The actual solution

Square and Rectangle are different, don't subtype!

Never pass a Square into a method expecting Rectangle

Square is not a Rectangle


Squares are not rectangles?!

Yeah, they are rectangles

Contradicting yourself are you?

Squares are rectangles

// This is not a square though
class Square {
    // ...

It is code that represents a square


Do not share the relationships of the things they represent

Integer is a real number

Real number is a complex number

Complex number contains two real number

Makes perfect sense.
Free beer for who implements this and successfully instantiates a complex number

class ComplexNumber {
    private $realPart;
    private $imaginaryPart;

    function __construct( RealNumber $real, RealNumber $imaginary ) {
        $this->realPart = $real;
        $this->imaginaryPart = $imaginary;
    public function getRealPart(): RealNumber {
        return $this->realPart;
    public function getImaginaryPart(): RealNumber {
        return $this->imaginaryPart;

class RealNumber extends ComplexNumber {

    public function __construct( float $value ) {
            new RealNumber( $value ),
            new RealNumber( 0 )


Class T

Class S extends T

List<S> is not a subtype of List<T>

Cannot pass list<Square> to function expecting list<Shape>

$squares = new List<Square>();

function f( List<Shape> $list ) { /* ... */ }

f( $squares );

function f( List<Shape> $list ) {
    $list.add( new Circle() );

The relationship is again not carried over


These slides:

Liskov substitution principle (WP)

LSP (Robert C Martin, pdf)


"WTF cat" by Bjorn Hermans, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

"Reflection cat" by Nikos Koutoulas, CC BY 2.0

"Questions cat" by Linda Tanner, CC BY 2.0

"Attribution cat" by Florencia Lewis, CC BY 2.0

"The wall" by David R. Tribble, CC BY-SA 3.0

The slides by Jeroen De Dauw, CC BY-SA 3.0